Welcome to Hull Family Practice PCN

Primary Care Networks (PCN) are a key part of the NHS Long Term Plan with general practices being a part of a network typically covering 30,000 – 50,000 patients. The PCN consists of Hull Family Practice and other NHS providers, health specialists, hospitals, mental health specialists, voluntary services, community organisations, social care and pharmacies, working together within a defined geographic area.

Working together brings many benefits to patients:-

  • Bringing together specialists and GP’s to provide a coordinated approach to care and sharing information
  • Retaining the focus on community care – through partnerships at local levels

Wider access to specialist care and support  by recruiting and training additional staff to support GP’s and nurses, including Pharmacists, First Contact MSK Practitioner, Physical Associates, Paramedics, Dietitians, Health and Wellbeing Coaches, Social Prescribers and Care Coordinators.

Non-urgent advice: What is a PCN?

Primary care networks are groups of GPs and other health care providers working together to improve services.

Find out more on the NHS England website.